Thursday 7 August 2008
About ME.ME.ME


:I'm Lee Yeon Ju~ (lee youn ju).
mikki is pure korean blood with japanese~ [b'cos of stepmom]
I got a lot of name that I can label.
~english: centrish, samantha [sam, sammie], tiffany [tiff], haylen
~japanese: miki, bishoujo (i ♥ bishounen!), kawaii
~korean: eol-jjang, jjang-jjang, dee-dee, jae-in, shinpai yo~
Mikki was born in Seoul~,Korea and grew up there.
I can speak both Hangul and Nihonggo.

"mikki class has nihonggo and hangul which alternate. and we have english language camp, our english class is separated from the others.our international language institute is an inner campus in our campus!"

Mikki lived in a lot of places, due of my hobby traveling! and because of dad's work.
Mikki grew up also in Yokohama, Kanagawa~ Fujioka, Shizuoka~ in Japan~ in Incheon/Busan in Korea. in Prairie/Dallas in Texas. in Westminster/London/England in UK [united kingdom]. Berne in Switzerland. Beijing in China!

I'm fickle, yet uniQue.I live on my own way && styles.i'm kind and out-going!i love to chit-chat and laugh all the time. I always bring my gadgets (zune w/ large headphones~ my ASUS~ mini laptop | touch screen). I hate staying in one place, cause exploring around is the chance to expand your mind and your ideas. i do a lot of things! i love going to karaokes~ music is my passion and i love to sing. i like going to farm~ cause it's my favorite place to have a siesta. chip birds! i like the fashion of [old] people in London.

hmm, what else can i told about myself~??? :]~

IIKOREAII thought hard on 06:42.
drop some phupiie luv

Wednesday 6 August 2008

it was so like today..
it's just like an ordinary day, for a student like school i was just like a normal student, who enjoys her usual, i overslept again, actually I am not really overslept, it's just i woke up around 6.00 am again.i knew i wouldn't be late cause my 1st period would start around 7:30, we leave the house around 7 and got school around 7.20 still, not yet late.

As we got school, i lay down my foot on the ground, it's pretty muddy because of the past rain. I hope i was in Japan, those times.Cause it's summer there. Then, as 'I' get out the car.My sister was ahead of me.As I said to her,

'let's go!'

,we walk. then we entered the school,I notice that Jamaika [자마 이카] was ahead of me,I want to grab her from the back.Unfortunately, my sister was talking to her.Then my sister point on me.Then Jamaika turn around and saw me. I did even entered the exit at the swiping area. It wasn't that enjoying. As Jamaica and I were talking we walk together until in our class.Well, actually, Jamaica isn't my classmate.So she told to me, if i can joined her until she got on her class.I told to her if we I can put my things first on my desk, she waited for me outside.But Vina ([먹으러 Meogeureo] her English name was 'Vina') came, Jamaika called me from the outside as I was about to go outside.

Jamaika L.: "I'll go ahead first! '먼저 가야 첫 번째!'"

As she walks away with Vina. Still, i'm happy, even though were not classmates anymore she still haven't yet forgotten what all things we've been through!Well, as my other classmates greeted me, i bowed! As Angella ([안젤라 Anjella) Angella) came near to me and we chit-chat some stuffs, We started the class by having some recitation.As the time goes by we proceed to our 2nd period which is biology!As we all waiting for Sir.Angel all of us were pretty noisy, chit-chat with friends.But as Sir Angel entered the room the room was so quiet, that it was like were in a library.I think quiet than that.We have a quiz about Vitamins and Minerals i got 3/10.I actually failed.

Then after our biology subject were in our recess time.We waited for our bunches of classmates to get out of the classroom, cause were about to lock it! It's school rule.Cause one of my classmate's phone got lost.As we took our recess we proceed to the HRM Cafe to eat.I ate porridge.while others ate that also.After we finished our recess we proceed to the rest of our subject which is Physical Education and Hangul-Nihonggo class.After that we take our lunch we didn't really ate we just ate a few snacks.Then after that Bamba get mad with Elbethel for mail blocking him. Of course about that, when they told that secret of us, we'll get suspended! Then Jamaica and Shermane were both conscious what was the secret.

Jamaica M.: "Hey, you guys were like that. You don't trust us! We've always been friends. (안녕하세요, 당신들은 그렇게합니다. 신뢰할 수없는 우리! 우리는 항상 친구가되었습니다.)"

Shermane: "It's like were not friends right, youn ju?"

Shermane is always like that, telling and telling me, that were not friends for a long long time ago! But when I was the one who was asking a favor she'll just ignored me. And saying I can do it on my own.

:"You know why Rebecca, split with us? Because you don't want to be with her! (왜냐고 레베카, 우리와 함께 분할? 그녀와 함께하지 않기 때문에되고 싶어!)"

Then Shermane just shut up. Because she's embarrassed after all those times I kept her words on my mind saying that and that!.. Until were about to told to them. But I changed the story cause it is really private.It is the real! But we just changed the place. But still they don't want to believe! So they tried to ask Elbethel and they told what we told to them! We got mad at Jamaica for doing that and same with Shermane, but were not that really mad with Shermane. Jamaica felt nervous cause we got mad at her. Based on her eyes reaction and she shut up.Until now, Bamba & Elbethel are still enemies! It's all because of Jamaica! and Shermane! They better get a life! x(~

And also when were telling the secret I never thought Kentarou was there I was shocked when I turned around! :O~

IIKOREAII thought hard on 05:38.
drop some phupiie luv

Monday 4 August 2008
Mikki meeting with Moon Bin and Chan Hee

Yesterday, as normal days, waking up in the morning after having a bath and got eat. Mikki's phone rang, as mikki ran upstairs to answer the phone. a friend of mine was calling, saying she got news. Mikki's friend excitingly says . .

"OMG, mikki. Your manager called me. You're going to meet Moon Bin and Chan Hee at their set on their entertainment co. tomorrow!"

As lee youn ju replied doubtingly. .

"What? Your kidding me, right? Why, my manager would choose to call you? Rather than calling me? You must be kidding?"

As mikki's friend replied. With higher voice!

"Youn Ju, I am not kidding you. I don't what up with your manager. But she just said I have to call you!"

As lee youn ju shockingly replied. .

"Oh really? I'm meeting with them? I really wanna meet them!!~ What time am I meeting them? And why~?

As mikki's friend replied thinkingly~???

"I don't know what's up to. Maybe it'll be better if you call her.[[referring to lee youn ju's agency]]"

As mikki replied. .

"I guess that'll be better. OK. see you."

As lee youn ju bowed. and stared at her cellphone. Thinking if it's real or her friend maybe pranking her. As mikki put down her cellphone on the desk at her room. And as lee youn ju lied down. Thinking why and what would happen tomorrow. As her phone suddenly rang. As mikki thinking~ . .

'who could be this time? i guess it's her again. confessing for lying.'

As mikki answered the phone. and look at the cellphone checking who's probably calling. as mikki got shocked that her manager was calling her!


As her manager replied.

"oh, youn ju. i guess ------ already told you about the news."

As lee youn ju thinking what news.

"what news?"

As her manager replied.

"what 'what'?. u mean she haven't told u yet? the news about u meeting with moon bin and chan hee"

As mikki remember that was she thinking before her manager called. As mikki laughing at herself.

"oh~ that news? well. she already told me that. actually i was doubting her.anyways what time? and why~? and how?"

As mikki's manager replied smilingly..

"it's because of yunho. he was looking at manchess site. then he boastfully saying you guys were best friends. some sort of something like that. then those two wanna meet u. actually chan hee shockingly said 'ur friends with youn ju!?~' (blah. blah. blah!) then that's how it is. actually your meeting them tomorrow near your photoshoot. you just have to wait."

as mikki replied laughingly.

"ahahaha.oh really? then i wanna meet them neither. but i thought i'll be meeting them at their set at their entertainment co.?"

"oh that? well. ur photoshoot is just near the starbucks. and they're set tomorrow would be near there also. u can watched them."

Until the next day.

Mikki still can't believe she's actually going to meet that little Yun Ho. As i entered the set. Moon Woo was looking at youn ju! and shockingly said

"there she is. She really came!"

Yun Ho greeted her and as mikki bowed her head. Moon Bin and Chan Hee pulled me. And they were talking a lot about themselves or about their lives. I am not bored at all. Actually I never knew those Little Yun Ho who always look serious is so much fun to be with. Until the set done and as well as the photoshoot was done. and the sun was setting, all the crew were planning to celebrate as they invited youn ju. and moon bin && chan hee. Until the day was done. I never knew that a bunch of kid like them, that always stress about the showbiz where actually still KIDS~

Until here. I'll be posting more soon.

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IIKOREAII thought hard on 05:02.
drop some phupiie luv

Saturday 2 August 2008
weh~? what's with today..? today, isn't much fun. [:~ I didn't go out today.I was making my 2 reports in biology about Cloning and Nervous System.Actually,i'm not yet finished with the cloning thing.But it'll be OK.I won't be reporting it tomorrow.Hmm,anyways~You guys didn't know that I am really addicted to Ulzzangs.I like Chinese,Taiwanese Ulhjjang also.But only few Japanese were I known.Like Megumi Michiyo.She's not a model or actress,she's just a fs user. her.i'm pretty busy.

Anyways guys! I got my PubLic YM.This is the public one.All my real life friends were not added here like in my MSN!SO here it make international and don't forget to add my msn


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IIKOREAII thought hard on 22:41.
drop some phupiie luv

Zettai Kareshi
OMG.. :'(~
Naito ended up like that. I have read the manga and have watched the Live-Action they were both really good. As of about the comedy. :D Naito in Live-Action is way more funny.Than, the manga.But they both ended up sleeping forever.It makes my heart breaks! Poor.Poor night.I hope the ending was just stopped when Riiko and Naito were having a date at the park.{:~ Picnic~^^It's not fedding up.but at least it's happy ending.Anyways,in manga.Soushi just got back in Japan after going to Spain.But in Live-Action riiko and soushi both go to Paris.Ha ha ha! It's still nice though!I really love Yuu Watase for inventing Night and thanks to Gaku Namikiri,somehow.He became nice~ hehehe~~

IIKOREAII thought hard on 19:49.
drop some phupiie luv

mikki & Maxmillian Krisna Deveraux // day o n e

the door slid open, then close swiftly behind her. one, two, three steps and she was in front of the teacher’s podium, bowing slightly in respect.

“lee yeon ju,” she said simply, barely audible voice. she waited for the teacher to identify her as the new transfer student, eyes locked on her two feet.

she frowned.

her toes wriggled in her shoes, she’d had to change them per regulations but it didn’t help the fact that her socks were still soggy from walking outside in the snow. it was uncomfortable, just like coming into class. she didn’t have to look around to know everyone was staring at her.

the teacher had addressed the class and she took the opportunity to turn around, back to the peering eyes, and reach for the white chalk. her hand moved with precision and practice, name written in on the board with flow.

lee yeon ju.
turn, bow.

“i’m lee yeon ju, 16 and transferred from south korea. please take care of me.” she straightened her back and looked at the room filled with students for the first time.

Max had been pretty much not paying attention - sitting in the second row had its own perks (not being noticed by the teachers, for one). He was involved in a written discussion about their next raid with Alma and he'd missed the first part of Lee Yeon Ju's introduction in favor of furiously scribbling his argument on the paper.
He looked up once Lee Yeon Ju started speaking, though. Oh - a late student. And from South Korea. That made three in their class.

she nodded at the teacher as he assigned her a place and quietly made her way towards the empty desk. near the window, towards the back. it would prove to be a perfect distraction. she noticed someone smiling at her and she quirked her lips up back at him. she had the urge to cover her mouth with a hand, but abstained. you can’t see a smile through a hand.

dutifully, she sat down at her desk and unpacked the few school supplies she had with her. on short notice, mikki hadn’t had the time to shop for the necessities. the lesson droned on and she half-listened, half-inspected her new classmates.

Max paid full attention to their teacher and took necessary notes because classtime comprised of 90% of his studying time (the other 10% was going over the textbooks the night before their test). He did notice that Lee Yeon Ju-sshi was appeared quite groomed, though, which meant that she probably was a girly girl...
... sigh :< another classmate he couldn't buddy-up with. Well, it wasn't fair to assume before he talked to the girl, but to negate that assumption Max had to talk to her first, which probably wasn't going to happen...
Oh. Lessons. Right. Drooone when was breaktime again? D:

her head titled to the side as she noticed students who were paying attention and those who were dosing off just slightly. mikki couldn’t blame them. she adverted her eyes back towards the teacher. he certainly wasn’t the most interesting speaker encountered in her life. twirling her pencil between her fingers, she wondered idly if any of them were new, just like her. but even if they were, it didn’t mean they would suddenly become friends simply on those terms. she shook her head lightly and focused on taking notes. already a week late into term, she couldn’t allow herself to lag behind the others further.

before long, the bell rang to signal the end of class and mikki watched as her classmates turned in their chairs to talk with friends or leave the classroom. she stood up and scanned the remaining student body before making her way towards one student. he had seemed focused on the lesson. quiet as a mouse, she pulled a chair and sat right next to him, feet pulled up on the seat as she peered over at his textbook and started scribbling down notes in her own notebook. her handwriting was small and neat.

Max had this radar that goes off whenever a member of an opposite sex approached - not in a good way. He barely had time to get up - or hide behind Alma, really - WHERE WAS THAT GIRL WHEN HE NEEDED HER - before the new girl was peeking over his shoulder - peeking over his shoulder!
Radar going of the chart beep beep beep - !!! He let out a squeak and scrambled off towards the (thankfully empty) chair beside him. "What - what -" Pause. "Uh."

she slowly looked at him with her big eyes, not really surprised.

“you can call me mikki.” she said, simply.

she eyed him for a few more moments before dropping her gaze back down at his notes. she kept on writing. stop. push tip of mechanical pencil then noticed his pencil case. mikki had the decency not to look through it.

“do you have lead?”

... Okay, that was weird. This girl looked totally unfazed by his reaction, which was something he couldn't say about other girls, honestly. "Er. No. I - er, use ballpoints. Sorry. Er. I bet JiSoon-hyung has some, though..." He scrambled up and walked over to the table next to the table beside him. "Here you go."

mikki smiled kindly at him and took the offered lead, popping the cap off her mechanical pencil and feeding it.

“you take good notes,” she commented as she resumed her scribbling. she stopped again and reached over to close the notebook. sure enough, his name was neatly written on the cover.

Maxmillian Krisna Deveraux.
that certainly was, a mouthful.


“maxmillian krisna deveraux,” she tested the name before continuing. “that’s a pretty long name.” the last name sounded french to her, but maxmillian was more english. it would be hard to write his name in hangul.

 "Er. Yeah. My parents ... yeah." He wasn't prone to telling people about his background in first meetings, no sir. "And uh, well, I just write what's important cause I usually remember most things, you know..." He scratched the back of his head nervously. "I mean, if you want to borrow really good notes, you might wanna try ... uh, some other people." They had a lot in this class.

she titled her head to the side, again. he was awkward. maybe more so than when she, herself, came into class with at least thirty pairs of eyes on her. dropping her feet back on the ground, she reached into her pocket to pull out two small candies. strawberry flavoured, guilty pleasure.

“here. token of appreciation.”

it wasn’t as if she had asked him permission to copy his notes, but mikki was like that. she needed, she took. of course, she had been brought up nicely and saying thanks was built into her. her palm was left outstretched, waiting for max to take the candy.

Ooooh, food. Max hesitated, still, but the fact that Lee YeonJu was playing it cool and actually offered him food kind of won major points. Major, major points.
"Um. Thanks, I guess." He took one candy from her palm. 

if charm didn’t win over guys, food certainly always did. she unwrapped the candy and popped it into her mouth, lolling the sweet from one side to the other with her tongue.

“what are you doing after the next period?” she asked him, pocketing the wrapper in her skirt before smoothing it down with a hand. “having lunch?”

side glance, she could tell some people were curious about her. mikki chose who she spoke to, not the other way around. this one, although awkward and shy, didn’t seem like the type to gossip or hang with bad crowds. she decided then that she liked him, as simple as that. mikki was generally nice to everyone, but she knew whom she could like and get along with as well as those she couldn’t. it didn’t bother her much to know there was a strong possibility this guy didn’t like her.

"Mmhm. Lunch with a couple friends." Usually Alma and Zaki, or if he were lucky he'd munch of JiSoon's lunchbox for extra food. "... Wanna join us?"

“if you don’t mind,” mikki said, slowly. she finished writing her sentence and made a flourish at the period. “is there a place where i can buy something to drink, here?”

she figured it was probably the most subtle, yet clear way of asking him if he could show her around the school. or maybe, the mikki way of telling him she wasn't familiar with the grounds. at all. ripping a blank page from her notebook, she laid it on max’s desk and randomly drew on it.

"Hmm. We've got vending machines down the hall, but drinks... usually we bring our own or go to the cafeteria on breaktime, you know?" Max wasn't getting it, yet. Could say that he wasn't used to dealing with girls.
For realz, yo.

“no.” she blinked and looked at him. there was a moment of silence. “no, i wouldn’t know,” she spoke in a soft, quiet voice. she smiled somewhat, turning back to her drawing. “i’m new, remember?”

"Well, yeah..." Max shifted a little. "... Well, I can show you around, after school, if you want to?" Oh, God. What was he doing offering to show the school to a girl. A girl he knew almost nothing about, even. He could very well embarrass himself.
... But then again his mouth had always been quicker than his brain. That was why he was friends with Alma, really (well, aside from the fact that she was batshit insane and a gamer to boot). 

she didn’t play coy. “i would appreciate that,” she glanced at him. “maxmilian.”

            students were making their way back to their seats and mikki looked at the clock on the wall. class was due to start in a few minutes and as if on cue, a teacher walked through the doors and started shuffling his papers on the podium. she adverted her eyes down at the paper and wrote a few digits next to the quick portrait she had done of max out of boredom. “if we don’t happen to have the same class at fourth period, this is my number. text me, we can meet at the front gate.”

            mikki pushed the paper towards him and got up, sliding the borrowed chair back into its place. she made a waving motion with her hand before returning to her desk for the next hour or so of class.

... Oh, she'd draw -
... him.
Aw, now he really had to show her around.

IIKOREAII thought hard on 19:45.
drop some phupiie luv

Most people don't know about 'CHAYS'
what!?hmm,yes!most of u guys.just discovered about the chays thing.people in chays modeling crew intended to call mikki like that.i think that one was already a proof right?well.i think it isn' easy to copy it.i love fooling if u joke around.i'll fool u around.i'm a goof!well.a lot of people asking if this the real 'mikki'?i don't even care.u ask!?well.i'll answer 'NO'.what a big idiot u are.isn't it obvious.still asking & asking.and i'll spunk this into ur face.i won't force or spunk in ur face telling 'it's me.i'm the real mikki chays/lee youn ju' i hate posers!nah-uh!i don't care if u think of me as an evil.cause i'm evil.w/angelic face.a lot of people was that~don't think of me as a wild bad girl.i'm still innocent and kind!maybe i'm just kinda evilious.u can find that word in my dictionary:)).u can't find that in others!ha ha ha! u can see.i still have sense of humor.for those people who were serious on my life.i am not asking u to laugh at my jokes.~or some sort of that.i hate those people who don't have any sense of humor.u guys were what shuji and akira told that those bunch of guys that were serious about works they said they were boring.yeah.dudes.u were boring.even ur already serious about ur works.u can still smile.have fun!laugh!and enjoy life.there's nothing bad about it.well,i wanna do whatever i want to do.but not all of it.~:~)well,i can't tell some of my privates's too private.shh!!well,if u guys found this blog!go ahead and spread it to the world.but don't whisper bad things behind my back!or i'll kill u!!~

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Lee Youn Ju + Lee Chi Hoon =Hoon Joo~

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IIKOREAII thought hard on 03:11.
drop some phupiie luv

hmm, it's still my first day of blogging.

hmm, well, well, well. (:~
it's my first day of blogging.then someone is trying to hack mikkichihoon [:~most people calls mikki like that.hmm, do u think my blog is great?well,i'm just new here.then,there's a hater!OMG!i really do hate haters.they should get a life.i know my blog isn't yet,waiting for it~~i wanted to post these on nets.and i wanted every people on net knowing my blog no more fakers/posers~cause i really hated it.people do think am the one who was the poser.and am not!i don't know to u guys.i'm not even forcing u!and i'm not spunking on ur face,telling it's me i'm 'mikki chays/lee yeon ju' get a life!so it's OK if u tell some rude stuffs about mikki.i'm still alive.:P.hmm, well~??what's up!?i'm pretty rude to those rude people of mikki's dad calls hers rebellious.i really am!sometimes.cause i really don't care what others think of me.unless i'm really on a bad day.people will get irritated also.not all of us were perfects.we make mistakes. and i learn from that.i don't what am i up to now.i just wanna explore the world,i mean net!and tell everyone that this is my blog!!my blog!!~~and to that me alone.i don't even know u!so don't interfere with my life i mean my blog!wooh!u don't even get a chance.cause i didn't add my real life friends here.serves u right!karma is just around.
[[mikki && sih]]

IIKOREAII thought hard on 02:58.
drop some phupiie luv

Friday 1 August 2008


whoever just tried to change the password of my account -- piss off, get bent, explode into a million juicy parts.

do not want you. :~)

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IIKOREAII thought hard on 23:53.
drop some phupiie luv