Wednesday, 6 August 2008
it was so like today..
it's just like an ordinary day, for a student like school i was just like a normal student, who enjoys her usual, i overslept again, actually I am not really overslept, it's just i woke up around 6.00 am again.i knew i wouldn't be late cause my 1st period would start around 7:30, we leave the house around 7 and got school around 7.20 still, not yet late.
As we got school, i lay down my foot on the ground, it's pretty muddy because of the past rain. I hope i was in Japan, those times.Cause it's summer there. Then, as 'I' get out the car.My sister was ahead of me.As I said to her,
,we walk. then we entered the school,I notice that Jamaika [자마 이카] was ahead of me,I want to grab her from the back.Unfortunately, my sister was talking to her.Then my sister point on me.Then Jamaika turn around and saw me. I did even entered the exit at the swiping area. It wasn't that enjoying. As Jamaica and I were talking we walk together until in our class.Well, actually, Jamaica isn't my classmate.So she told to me, if i can joined her until she got on her class.I told to her if we I can put my things first on my desk, she waited for me outside.But Vina ([먹으러 Meogeureo] her English name was 'Vina') came, Jamaika called me from the outside as I was about to go outside.
As she walks away with Vina. Still, i'm happy, even though were not classmates anymore she still haven't yet forgotten what all things we've been through!Well, as my other classmates greeted me, i bowed! As Angella ([안젤라 Anjella) Angella) came near to me and we chit-chat some stuffs, We started the class by having some recitation.As the time goes by we proceed to our 2nd period which is biology!As we all waiting for Sir.Angel all of us were pretty noisy, chit-chat with friends.But as Sir Angel entered the room the room was so quiet, that it was like were in a library.I think quiet than that.We have a quiz about Vitamins and Minerals i got 3/10.I actually failed.
Then after our biology subject were in our recess time.We waited for our bunches of classmates to get out of the classroom, cause were about to lock it! It's school rule.Cause one of my classmate's phone got lost.As we took our recess we proceed to the HRM Cafe to eat.I ate porridge.while others ate that also.After we finished our recess we proceed to the rest of our subject which is Physical Education and Hangul-Nihonggo class.After that we take our lunch we didn't really ate we just ate a few snacks.Then after that Bamba get mad with Elbethel for mail blocking him. Of course about that, when they told that secret of us, we'll get suspended! Then Jamaica and Shermane were both conscious what was the secret.
Jamaica M.: "Hey, you guys were like that. You don't trust us! We've always been friends. (안녕하세요, 당신들은 그렇게합니다. 신뢰할 수없는 우리! 우리는 항상 친구가되었습니다.)"
Shermane: "It's like were not friends right, youn ju?"
Shermane is always like that, telling and telling me, that were not friends for a long long time ago! But when I was the one who was asking a favor she'll just ignored me. And saying I can do it on my own.
:"You know why Rebecca, split with us? Because you don't want to be with her! (왜냐고 레베카, 우리와 함께 분할? 그녀와 함께하지 않기 때문에되고 싶어!)"
Then Shermane just shut up. Because she's embarrassed after all those times I kept her words on my mind saying that and that!.. Until were about to told to them. But I changed the story cause it is really private.It is the real! But we just changed the place. But still they don't want to believe! So they tried to ask Elbethel and they told what we told to them! We got mad at Jamaica for doing that and same with Shermane, but were not that really mad with Shermane. Jamaica felt nervous cause we got mad at her. Based on her eyes reaction and she shut up.Until now, Bamba & Elbethel are still enemies! It's all because of Jamaica! and Shermane! They better get a life! x(~
And also when were telling the secret I never thought Kentarou was there I was shocked when I turned around! :O~